Monday, February 28, 2011

Vildhjarta ^_^

If you're one of my friends, you'd know that the Swedish band Vildhjarta is releasing an album this year, which is sure to be amazing.
But they decided to put up a song today, I don't know if this is for the album, or they just thought they'd mix something for the kicks, but none the less, it's pree' rad.

It can be heard HERE

It can also be downloaded from that same link, if one knows what they're doing. Or from HERE


Word of the day.

I also have a couple of drawings, but I really couldn't be bothered posting them, so I'll post this then be on me way.
Chaos - It's a word that means a pree' direct thing, but covers a large variation of that thing. It means a condition/state of great disorder, mess or confusion. This could either refer to something basic like, a bedroom floor being a chaos, or the crime scene of a suicide bombing being chaotic. Two very different things in my opinion.


Sunday, February 27, 2011

Word of the day.

This word is both awesome, and makes you sound awesome when you're capable of saying it, and giving a definition of it.
Monday's word shall be,
Narcosynthesis - "a method of treating an acute traumatic neurosis by working with a patient while the patient is under the influence of a hypnotic drug."
This is regularly known as a song by Nevermore, T'is how I had stumbled across it a year or two ago, then got curious and went about looking it up. I thought it was cool, so yeah.



So as one does, I was randomly tubing, watching all kinds of useless shit, like monkeys, and how to grow trees, when I had stumbled across the domain of this guy.

"Reeps One", I quite enjoy watching a good beatbox here and there, as most do, it's quite the maker of amusement.



I quite like Death Metal, so naturally, I quite like this band. But I was amazed when I had read they were from Singapore, just seems odd to me.
I'm also quite fond of long tracks, if they're are pulled of well. there's nothing worse then 30 minutes of the same thing. But I feel that Impiety had done well.

And allong side this, I'll also share that has been stuck in my head the last couple of days.
Atheist is an amazing band in my books, for their talent, and the music that is a result of that. This songs of their newest album, which had been their first album in 18 or so years. So they know what they're doing.


Saturday, February 26, 2011

Word of the day.

A quick one this time. I chose this word because it's meaning had been bugging me all day. so here it is.

Sunday's word shall be,
Fictitious - "Not real or true, being imaginary or having been fabricated."

I had come across this word whilst I had the song "Fictitious Glide" by Atheist stuck in my head. And even with that meaning finally determined, what does that song name mean?


Friday, February 25, 2011

Word of the day.

Yes, I had forgotten once again last night, I'm terribly sorry, I really am. But fear not, I have one for you tonight. And me lacking one will not happen again.

Saturday's word sahll be,
Sufferance - This is the term used to describe the endurance, or tolerance to something,  It's one's limit, can discribe anything, bust usually pain or distress.
Could also simply mean "suffering", I personally don't understand this, as you could use the word "suffering" to say "suffering.

anywhom, I dig the word.


Rock out with my cock out.

So yeah, Soundwave.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Word of the day.

Sorry I hadn't posted this last night, I had gotten pre-occupied. So none the less here we go.
Thursday's word shall be,
conjunctivitis-One of those words you can be proud to know, makes you feel special, makes you sound special. Go yell it at your friends, use it in sentences (this is conjunctivitis!) and just, kick ass.
It's simply an inflammation, or infection, in the membrane lining in the eyelid, causing swelling, and loss of sight, cool ha?
So I'll leave you with that.


Monday, February 21, 2011

Word of the day.

It's that time.
Now before you think something allong the lines of "Daaaaaamn foooo', yo ass be gettin' lazy 'n' shit, that word be unthoughtful as the name my pappy gave to me as a chil'."
But that is false, I really like the word, there's no real exciting meaning to it, just a nice ring, Tuesday's word is,
Alphabet - I don't feel I need a description, so I'll leave it with "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ."



Rain ruined my afternoon.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Word of the day.

This one was requested of me, which makes my life a whole lot easier.

Monday's word shall be,
sodomize - Sodomy is used to describe any form of unnatural sex, so anything that has no genitalia touching. Be that oral, anal or any other creepy shit people can come up with, it also included sex with animals, which is extremely natural in my mind. so the word Sodomize, simply refers to the act of sodomy, so if you've been sodomized, good for you.



I've been pree' slack, so I guess I should make it up.
I'll give you an oportunity to request a drawing of me, this occassion won't come arround often, so if you're reading, comment, do it.



Yes, I did draw this for the soul purpose of blog-land, and yes it is pree' terrible, but it's the best I could do.

T'is a cat.


Saturday, February 19, 2011

Word of the day.

Yet again, I apologise for lack of posts, nothing's been happening as of late. And I'm also without downloads, so I can't really share videos or anything I find, because I don't find them in the first place.

But none the less, Sunday's word of the day shall be,
Agroof - This word simply means "To fall flat on the face." I love how direct this word is, there's no other meaning for it other then falling on your face, we need more words like this in our language, so little confusion with it's meaning, I love it.


Word of the day.

I shall post when I can, I apologise for my boringness as of now, I drew a narwhal today, that was intense.

But saturday's word shall be,
Banana-The fruit of choice for many, and everyone's favourite object. It's also a grand source of potassium, a needed mineral in everyone's day. And amongst this, they just kick ass.

But you wish to be eating this amazing fruit properly, you're going to want to be doing it like a real man, a black man.


Thursday, February 17, 2011

Word of the day.

I apologise for no posts as of yesterday, not even the word of the day, that was low of me. Sorry.

So with no fuss, friday's word shall be,
dementia-(meaning "deprived of mind") is a serious loss of cognitive ability in a previously-unimpaired person, beyond what might be expected from normal aging.

I love how that word means "Deprived of Mind"


Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Word of the day.

This one's nothing exciting, but don't think I'm being lazy, I think the word just really kicks ass, is all.
Wednesday's word is,
Bacon-We all know and love bacon, it's our favourite overly cooked animal, and rightfully. As people, it doesn't even have to taste good, anything with the potential to clog your veins and give you diabetes is worth eating. Chances are if this boiled pig was good for you, we wouldn't enjoy it as much. But besides that, it's a lovely word, nice ring to it. Also makes for an amazing word in a descriptive sense.
eg. My balls itch like bacon.
     That bitch rock'd my socks like that rasher bacon did last night, man i love bacon.
     She's my bacon.
     Bacon; Tastes like bacon, if bacon were a bacon.
So that's all for today, enjoy.


mmmmmmmm. ^_^

So I had made it into Tafe, and tomorrow's my last day at Pine. Just thought I had to share, I thrilled with the fact personally, so yeah. My mood is the equivalent of sex.

So that's that. And I may bust shit at the posting thing at times, with the concentration on said Tafe and whatnot.


Word of the day.

Tuesday's word, shaaaaall beeeeee

Galvanize-To stimulate or shock with an electric current.
                To arouse to awareness or action; spur.

A short one, I apologise.


Monday, February 14, 2011

Yay, multitasking.

So, I had planned to make this post as soon as the poll had ended....But I'm shit with deadlines so, enjoy?

For all you creepy kids that get off to hamster, here you go.
And yes I do realise it barely resembles a hamster, take "they're hard to draw" into consideration, please.

As for the multitasking part of this post, I've hit 500 views, and should probably do something about that. So I will make the hamster a celebratory thing, and will also set up a new poll as soon as possible, maybe a little less obvious then this one.


Listen my youngins.

Just thought I'd share some songs which are fap worthy.Well in my opinion anywhom, may not be your slice of cake.


So I realise it's been a rare occassion that I've posted such a thing, I apologise, but this is because I haven't been drawing much. Once again, I apologise.
So here's one from today, physics I believe it was.

As always, click; enlarge; notice my obvious errors.

So it's quite simply a bunny. Nothings exciting about it at all, but I quite liked it myself, so I kept him 'round.
I promise I will have more soon.



So firstly, I will show you a trailer, I don't know much about the movie at all, even after the trailer.

Missed it? Perhaps watch it again.
So this trailer was played in an ad break during Super Bowl, and....It literally goes for 2 seconds, very informative indeed.

Next video is one of the lulz, nothing more. It's not the greatest, but none the less I found it amusing. The guy also has an assortment of videos on his channel, so if you have nothing better to do, check it out.

So, that was that. Enjoy.


Sunday, February 13, 2011

Word of the day.

No posts today, I apologise, I was busy. But I couldn't never neglect the word of the day, because I love you. :3

So Monday's word shalt be,
Foofaraw-Describes someone who is  vain, fussy, tawdry or gaudy. This word manages to be popular in North America, but nowhere else. *shrugs*


Saturday, February 12, 2011

Word of the day.

So this one was a request, well, more so a demand, but none the less one shall satisfy.

Sunday's word shall be,
Oblong-It's like, a circle, but not quite a circle. For circles are commonly known for their good looks, charms and perfectly....circliness. Oblongs don't come with these pros, they're simply just, oblongs.
It's like a circle with recent drug abuse, and is regularly beaten on by it's husband, for he doesn't know where it is every night. So after all this hard living, it looks abit worn down, or wonky, and is lacking these charms.
It's kind of, stretched out, flat and just, unappealing to the naked eye.

It can also refer to a rectangle, whos length is greater then it height. Why the human language is forever making multiple meanings for words is beyond me.


I love this world. Ukulele.

Not all too exciting, but none the less I found it amusing for some reason.
So here I was, walking home, as one does an sunny saturday evening, minding one's own business, when I had approached some infants.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Word of the day.

Saturday's soon arrived, and this must be forfilled.
So for tomorrow the word shall be "conk". Now I seriously suggest adapting this one into your every day speech, it kicks ass.

Conk-To stop functioning; fail: The engine conked out on the final lap.
        -To fall asleep, especially suddenly or heavily: conked out on the couch watching television.
        -To pass out; faint.
        -To die.
        -The head 
       -A blow, especially to the head.
There are many phrases that incorperate this word. Here's a couple I enjoy.

Conk off-To fall asleep
Conk out-Stop working/fail suddenly

As you've probably noticed, it has a reasonably broad range of meanings, which means that, like other words of the sort, you can make kick-arsed sentences, I suggest you use this technique often.

"He conked him on the conk, and he conked, or perhaps he just conked off, we'll never know."
"He hit him upside the head, and he died, or perhaps he just fell asleep, we'll never know."

Life lesson.

Learn this stuff, memorise it, know how to handle the "bitch".


I require it.

I feel the urge to play FFXII, why? Well to begin it's a good series, I'm a fanboy myself.
But also for the character design, I would play it just for enemies like Gigantuar.

Sometimes I wonder what go through these crazy asians' minds as they design such a thing...


Thursday, February 10, 2011

Word of the day.

Before we kick this shit off again, I apologise for the lack of postage tonight, t'was a dull day.

But none the less.
microbial-A fancy way of saying micro-organism, has a nice ring to it. Just anything that's microscopic, and alive.


Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Word of the day.

You  know you love it. Thursday's soon to arrive, so you need a word.
This time it's,
logophilia-When one gets so obsessive about a word, they aquire sexual attraction from it. Most often nerds, with words like "Nintendo" or "Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis".
It's a weird one, but must make getting off a whooooole lot easier for them creepy kids.

I have to give Damo credit for this one, remember, I'm open for suggestions my children.


Life hates me.

I've come to the conclusion, that this ukulele, cannot be tuned.
Why you ask? Because after nummmmmerous attempts at tuning this thing, chords, still sound like anus.
Now before you think to yourself some harsh statement like "what if it's ye' playin' skeells foo'!" There is no way it could be my skills, for I am an amazing player of anything with strings, and if you know me at all, you know this is true.
So why is this demon ukulele haunting me. Why?


The ukulele will reign.

So, seeing as I so often find myself bored, and without anything to do, I have adopted the ukulele, now naturally, I'm terrible at anything with strings, hence the drums.

But none the less I have learn't some garbage, and was wondering if anyone had any songs in mind I could learn?

*Comment required*


Those pigs.

I knew it!


Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Word of the day.

It's that time of day again my children.

The word for Wednesday is,
ubiquitous-It's a more kick-arsed way of saying "omnipresent", for all of you that don't know the word, learn some english. It means Being present, or existing everywhere simultaneously.

Like god, or more realistically, myself.

Take some time and listen.

I thought I'd share some of my faourite covers, of one of my favourite songs.
The song is Creep - Radiohead

The 1st cover being this homeless guy. He has an amazing voice, as husky as it may be, it adds vast ammounts of emotion to the song. His guitar skills are pree' swell. And allong side these, is how meaningful the song is, when it's being grasped by a man such as himself. Truely amazing.

Now, if you know me well, you know how much I love Moby. So naturally I fell inlove the second I found this, it may just be because I suffer from cronic infactuation due to this man.
but none the less, Moby singing Creep.

Now the next, isn't as amazing as the last two, but I felt it was very well done, she has a wonderful voice, and the piano work adds to the song. It's a nice contrast.


The apocalypse is nigh.

You kiddies better be freaking scared. Why you may ask, well I'll tell you.
The one horned, one eyed, flying purple people eater is out to get us. because it's sadistic, and we're people.
And he plays rock 'n' roll music through the horn on his head.

But fear not my young ones, for I will offer you my shelter, and together, under my protection, we will reign.


Monday, February 7, 2011

The alphabet, an important matter on everybody's mind.

Now, don't ask how I come across this crap, because I haven't a clue myself.

But how much does the french alphabet sound like a retard attempting the english alphabet. May just be this chick mind you, so don't judge me on that statement.


Word of the day.

abyssopelagic (ah-bis-so-pah-lah-jik) - Anything of relevance to the depths of the ocean.

Like Leviathan, our favourite dark creature from the deep ocean, the greatest gatekeeper of the HellGate.
We love you Leviathan. 


Fantasy, is now.

For I was lurking youtube, as I quite often do, and had come across this.

And naturally, I was amazed, as it is both the greatest item in gaming history, but also one freaking awesome instrument.

Now not everyone's as fancy as this guy, and are incapable of owning an Ocarina, so what do we do.

My odyssey.

I must share, I'm in love with this song.

I will also be getting this in the near future.


My day. And evening with "Two".

 T'was quite the mediocre, as most school days are. I had sorted out class shit, well began to.
Highlight would have to be STD education panflets, or me drawing in physics.

 Behold, t'is a teddy, with a cane and tophat. Beats physics anyday.

After the long awaited finishing of school, I had chillbang'd with said loyal friend, we had then shimmy'd our arses to Arties. He had bought a Kazoo, Now we're Kazoo Brothers. And mother had bought me a ukulele.

Love of my life.


Sunday, February 6, 2011

Tomorrow word of the day.

This will be a regular occurance, yes.

Chinchilla-A small land mammal, best way I could put it is, it's like a bunny and a mouse had a love child, and then dropped it at a young age,


How to sex a Chinchilla.


 Yes I do realise it's not much of a celebratory, seeing I would have done it anywhom, but none the less, I went out of my way to do it tonight. So love me for it.
 T'is my school diary, I dispised the generic....parakeet, lion, fish, frog thing. So I made it my goal to, customize it abit, make it look....not as terrible.

Le Diary.



One has informed me that I had capped 100 views, and that in some way, we should celebrate. Now personally, I didn't expect the reach such highs, definately not in 3 days, so.....Yay?

So with this, I shall be posting a doodle in the near future, when it's done of course. Also, in the mean time, I present you with both a life lesson and a good listen.

Read/listen carefully, because I expect you all to have learnt something from this.

Such The Fool - Sikth

My minions; I'm giving you the chance to feel important, and to prove yourselves as worthy.

So seeing as I'm still in the mentally retarted, half-arsed stages of designing this.....monstrosity.
I would like to know what you kiddies would like to see on said blog. Be it a stupid one off thing, or an on-going thing,.
Just, leave comments if you care, tell me what you wish to see. I'm not expecting such a thing to happen, but the oportunity's there.

Here's a snap from Braidon's archive. Enjoy.

My youngins.

My children, spread my seed, tell others of my marvel.
For I will reward such actions with more posts, and, perhaps even more point to my posts, we shall see.
Now go be my messengers, my harbinger of death, and force my knowledge of the apocalypse upon others.


Saturday, February 5, 2011

Tomorrow's Word of the Day

It's an important aspect of everyday living, knowing the word of the day, which had been decided on by me.

and Sunday's word, as chosen by me, is "Strategical". It's like "Testicle", but strategic.

Marvelous like the fish you call your own.

Like the diabetic children you are. You crave things you cannot have, but fear not my young ones. For i bring you random shit. Amongst this random shit, is said doodles, so I feel it'd be appropriate to finally post some. if you stalk said facebook, you'd have probably seen them. so none the less, enjoy.

don't fear commenting either, t'is why it's there. Love ye'.

 Das ist a sausage, t'is a party sausage. he likes to party.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

The beginning of the end.

Kicked off this shit off I s'pose. I don't know how often I'll post, nor am I too sure what I'll post. 

With no further adieu. I shall start my reign with Peter Pan.