Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Word of the day.

Word of the last week.....Anywhom.
Terts - Not quite a word, but if you've heard me yell it in the last few days, and have no idea, this is for you. It's just a way of saying tits, but often without context, or meaning. I can be used to show annoying, bordom, excitement or anger. And is most usefully used to cut a person of mid sentence, when it's completely silent, When you've nothing to say about something or when in public.

"Aint never gonna give you up, aint ne..."

"Did ye' get lucky?"


You can also use it with other words, and then taint those otherwords, so make a word....
eg. Titmilk = Turtmawk.

And lastly, there's varients of the word, and these variants can be used as terts.
Mert = Man tit
Mertmawk = Mantit milk.


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