Tuesday, March 15, 2011


So I don't know this is a happy post, or a sad one. Hence the post name. Asian helicopters are without any certain mood.

So anywhom, I had misplaced my beanie the morning of yesterday. On the bus like a fool. I had fallen asleep on the way to tafe, for this one was tired. and I had awoken, as my bust was departing my final destination, which was terrible news, for I had to get off there. So I had quickly raced and stopped the bus, and gotten off. And at this time I was Dazed and Confused, Zeppelin style, and had realised I left my beanie on the bus. But it was already on it's why. So my day proceeded with being terrible, for that reason, and that reason only.

So naturally I had made it my goal to go about getting a new one, for I am not one for a bare head. So I have a new one, thanks to the craftmenship of mother dearest.
I apologise for the idiotic pose, but my webcam shat itself, and I was required to camera it up like a scene kid.

And to further the enjoyment of your day, here's some happy snaps from my collection.

Soup for Sluts, not much is to be said.
This is a photoshoot for a band...Now I don't understand why, or where. But I am envious of the brutality of these guys.
And this is a bench design, with bender riding a mean-ass owl for whatever reason may be.


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