Sunday, February 6, 2011

My minions; I'm giving you the chance to feel important, and to prove yourselves as worthy.

So seeing as I'm still in the mentally retarted, half-arsed stages of designing this.....monstrosity.
I would like to know what you kiddies would like to see on said blog. Be it a stupid one off thing, or an on-going thing,.
Just, leave comments if you care, tell me what you wish to see. I'm not expecting such a thing to happen, but the oportunity's there.

Here's a snap from Braidon's archive. Enjoy.


  1. I would very much like to see more people posting. and perhaps some art here and there.

  2. i would love your fantastic drawings. oh and your opinions on things. i think it would be very interesting for people to know about them. as you said you know what people want to hear.

  3. I shall sing you the songs, and tell you tales, of my people.
    And there being drawings is a given, is the main reason I created this refuge.
    So people wouldn't complain about not being able to see my drawings, seeing as I fucked facebook off.
